Paola Turci Shoot Contact Sheet
Recently I received an email from a fan of Italian singer-songwriter Paola Turci. He had seen a picture I had taken of her for the album ‘Ragazze’ on my website and asked to see some more unpublished photos from the same shoot. So I got out my negative album and scanned them as a contact sheet. Shot in my studio on Kodak Plus X with a Mamiya RB67 with a soft portrait lens and developed by myself.

Paola Turci contact sheet
The shoot was in June 1993. The first part was in the studio, for the second part we went to Elba and shot mainly on the rocks by the seashore as there was a seaside theme running through her songs. It was a perfect trip, everything went well. When I got back to Bologna my much loved cat Biko had disappeared, presumed poisoned. Two months later Paola had a very bad car accident and was badly scarred – but she was lucky to survive.
Before the shoot she showed me some favourite jewellery, Indian bangles and things. I liked the heavy bracelet and given that we were shooting in studio and also on location in Elba I suggested we use it as a leitmotiv throughout the shoot to pull the whole thing together. In fact we did a detail of just her hand and wrist, with the bangle, on the sea shore for the inside cover which tied in with the cover shot.
I’d love to see the Elba shots, get them up online. (And hoe on earth did you manage to put your Mamiya in an oven…?)
Elba: I’ll dig into my archive and see what I can find. As for the Mamiya … well, thereby hangs a tale! It’s mentioned here too by my make-up artist in this documentary
Perhaps I should do a post on how to hide valuable cameras in a none too secure seaside flat – and how it can go horribly wrong.
Le foto per il disco di Paola Turci sono stupende (l’utilizzo del bianco e nero le rende particolari). Sarebbe bellissimo poter vedere anche quelle non pubblicate e scattate all’Isola d’Elba.
Ci sarà questa possibilità ?
Grazie mille.
Sarebbe possibile, certo. Se volete scrivermi a possiamo parlarne. Ho anche tante foto di lei che abbiamo fatto sull’isola d’Elba.