Category : Belle Outdoor



  A picture about Loss. Dido and Aeneas, the tragic love story of the Trojan hero and the Queen of Carthage is told by Virgil. Aeneas, after  the sacking of Troy, was given the task by the Gods of founding a new civilisation in Italy, but on the way he met and fell in love with the...

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A legend, possibly based on fact, has it that Phryne, a fabulously rich concubine of outstanding beauty in  ancient Greece, was on trial for her life, for murder for which she was assuredly guilty. Her  counsel opted for a dazzling defence, literally:  he disrobed her in front of the judges....

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  Reija asked me to take a picture of her  that was reminiscent of her name which is the Finnish  for Freya,  the Norse Goddess of love and fertility after whom  Friday is named. In  Latin languages  the fifth day is dedicated to the Goddess of Love, Venus. Curiously, the Catholic...

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Alter Ego

Alter Ego

  Susanna and the Elders was a popular  Old Testament  subject with painters. There are innumerable versions by Rembrandt, Reni, Millet, Lotto, Van Dyck, and this one by Tintoretto, who curiously copied Susanna's  pose from Giorgione's Tempest, the serenity of which I have 'borrowed'...

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Bernarda 2004. Botticelli’s Birth of Venus Chosen to Launch the “Belle” Project.

Bernarda 2004. Botticelli’s Birth of Venus Chosen to Launch the “Belle” Project.

Botticelli’s Birth of Venus is one of those paintings that is immediately familiar even to those who know little or nothing of art. For this reason it was chosen to launch the series “Le Belle nell’Arte” in an Italian regional newspaper based in Rimini. The image was so instantly...

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`Would you tell me, please, which way I ought to go from here?’said Alice. `That depends a good deal on where you want to get to,’ said the Cat. `I don’t much care where–’ said Alice. `Then it doesn’t matter which way you go,’ said the Cat. `–so long as I get SOMEWHERE,’...

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  On the borders of Tuscany and Latium in a sparsely inhabited area that was once densely populated until scythed by malaria,  there is a mysterious place hidden in an ilex  wood that I call The Sacred Glade, a large natural grotto  narrowing at the top from where the sunlight filters...

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  There is a glade near Lake Bolsena of such uncommon beauty that all those who set foot there remain enchanted for ever. This is an Etruscan place, but it could well be even older as a place of worship. The Sacred Glade was Christianised, but something of the magic remained: the frescoes...

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